Saturday, December 02, 2006

Continued Studies - 07/05/2006 (The Best Puppy Food Around)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


How incredibly interesting so much in regard to our modern society, is!

Puppy Food Island has found its way into my thoughts again and I am tickled in many ways with the vast areas and issues it contains. So much so in some respects, that I find it borders on a maniacal pleasure which perhaps should produce some level of a guilty conscience - but it is just too funny to permit myself to feel bad. - That being a manifestation of several aspects I have described pertaining to control/application of concept(s), posturing and the human need to feel of import - that consumer mentality and it having permeated as it has - then further the simple lunacy of our existence and humans themselves.

Essentially for several reason as well as those social tendencies I have described - we as q society seem steadfast in achieving the lowest standards for food products (and other aspects) while presenting them as a high mark and achievement of civilization.

In many respects this consistency isn't necessarily a purposeful goal, but more as a result fo combinations of those dynamics and reasons I have addressed, as they interact.

It is rather entertaining to find that over-all consistent contradiction (if not paradox) consistency in so many ways. As our efforts to hone and further society, as a species, we fail to attain those goals in actuality.

In many ways such failings actually are testimony to the greater success of that over all concept of the third degree of civilization (representative democracy). Even given those grand failings, AND given how deep said consumer mentality has permeated - it still functions - even though said consumer mentality is a large contributor to those apparent failings (which is further support to the idea of utilizing tendencies toward corruption).

There are those within that short sighted mentality, that see the function of this mechanism to be that of producing some ill or destruction in an effort to amplify consumption (and thus - empty commerce) in other areas.

As I have stated in other works, within my believe said direction is finite and incredibly inefficient (other than a distraction to some degree). Then further demonstrates that lack of understanding those employing such measures possess in regard to the potentials within this larger mechanism.

Again, this is not of too much concern in regard to the health of that mechanism, given that it has already proved itself quite sound.

Even further such proves the level of forgiveness and efficiency of that mechanism in remaining quite efficient even as that depth of consumer mentality is occasionally swayed toward such farce as those attempts.

The incredible success in providing the area for each individual to find the pleasures (at least the experience of said pleasures) in the celebration of personal individualism (even within distinct groupings - within that consumer mentality), is simply incredible!

From my perspective, the larger problematic areas begin when such a marvelous aspect is abused in ways which then contribute further to the Puppy Food Island result.

For instance; in regard to the slanderous business ploys of degrading and defaming a given example of competitions product i.e.; do you know what is in that stuff? - such is somewhat socially healthy in regard to promoting that sense of individualism as well as that of being a part of something larger - potentially important even. Meaning that it is quite healthy to want to associate ones self with the idea of quality and social involvement. Further it is healthy competition to have a bit of rivalry.

It is when that relation and prideful element becomes priority over actual quality, that the Puppy Food Island (from the domestic side) begins to manifest as the actual priorities are over shadowed in the heat of competition.

This then permeates that larger structure as well through that consumer mentality, which then results sooner or later in all aspects of said dynamic and relation (and actual product) becoming Puppy Food in a very real sense while then continuing to be promoted as quality and even the high mark in standard.

It is very much a hilarious resulting inversion - most times both sides of a given rivalry in such a situation, then only being able to hope the other guy eats Puppy Food, when really - they both would then be consuming similar variations of Puppy Food quality.

It is difficult to find the greater laugh here; Is it in posturing superiority to the degree of finding ones self trapped in such levels of quality and producing the actual lowest grade - thus now making Puppy Food the high mark - or could it be the wast of potential within an otherwise healthy social dynamic?

Thankfully enough and as much a part of the hilarity, our modern social mechanism has provided for leeway for such social blunders.

Another aspect of this, though quite contrary to the promotion of that sense of personal individualism - is a sort of forced equality, as it were - even though it is the type of equality which is directly opposed to the idea of freedom. That being in a very real sense; how could one group of people be any better than another if it is that they are all very much consuming the high standard of Puppy Food? ~

It would seem that such a direction immediately moves the idea and potential of everyone having opportunity to achieve and experience individual successes and failures, into an area where such is only fictitious and then further, quite literally only a form of mental illness being that the normal perspective has been manipulated and warped into a place where the only sense of individualism to be had, is such an extreme shift in mental clarity that a person could no longer be considered sane by the common standard. All and any of such being nothing more than fictitious posturing - which of course was rendered useless for such wants in said forced equality.

Again, such seems evident in poor priorities - being that the fictitious recognition is then more important than the actual reality of now consuming Puppy Food.

Obviously such a social direction negates itself in the fact that such forced equality removes the need and substance from/of such wants.

I personally couldn't see any use in striving for such recognition within a dynamic of that un-healthy, forced equality.

Why, again, waste effort and the potentials within such a direction?

Why would someone posturing of the magnificence with their Puppy Food, do so?

Why wouldn't they see it and utilize it as a liberation from said concerns?

The tendency to do so attest to that human tendency and want of individualism - though again, in forcing such - becomes a waste in both directions.

Hey! I would go the Puppy Food route! But don't expect me to waste such potential liberation in then wanting grand accolades for the Puppy Food quality I then would be serving in a restaurant.

There is far too much potential to waste on such farce and what appears to be a promoted mental disorder.

I would probably have the best Puppy Food around, but that would speak for itself and my interests would be other places beyond seeking some recognition. I would need no fake little plaques in that instance - it would definitely serve its purpose and fulfill said directions.

In those situations, within my belief.... in that forced equality - personal individualism (and recognition so to speak) is to be sought and found elsewhere and in relation to other aspects of existence - if at all.

That is one of the potentials within such standardization.


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